Thursday, March 24, 2011

The first trip- Day 5, team multiplied, return to Ishinomaki             仙台、5日目、メンバーがさらに増えて、石巻へ戻る

This post is a bit later than we wanted to post, sorry, there has just been too many blessings!  The evening of March 22, our team was doubled as three brothers in Christ from Okinawa and a brother from CC Kokubunji arrived in Sendai.  The next day, our new team was blessed in such wonderful ways, we were all frankly blown away.  We were led by the Lord back to Ishinomaki, here is what the Lord did:
予定していたよりも更新が遅れてしまいすみませんでした。というのも、多すぎるほどの祝福があったからです。3月22日の夜、キリストにある兄弟たちが沖縄から3人、カルバリチャペル国分寺(Jesus Community)から1人が仙台に到着し、チームに合流しました。翌日、新しくなったチームは神のすばらしい方法で祝福され、ただ感動するばかりでした。主に導かれて、再度石巻に行きました。主がしてくださったことをご報告します。

Before we got on the road, it was time to unload a wonderful amount of gifts!  This 4-ton truck was filled with more supplies from Kokubunji, and the team quickly unloaded the goods.

The enhanced team in front of a pair of storage pods the Lord led us to rent in order to keep our items up in Sendai for the next team to use.

The team arrived in Ishinomaki and paid their first visit to a group who Chizuo and Maxx had met the day before.  This is a department store roof parking lot, and the open door to the left of the photo opens into a storage area in which 50 people now live.  We are curious as to why they choose to live here instead of moving to a shelter in town, but it is not time to ask them such questions, only to love on them.  After they accepted many of the items we had to offer, we prayed with the whole group.  We plan to visit them again, building relationships and trust and showing them love in action for the long term.

The Lord led us to adopt a slightly new strategy later in the afternoon.  We  met a group of young ladies in one area and they suggested we come down to their neighborhood where there were many families gathered together.  We drove down the street and found this 7-11 parking lot at the site, and the Lord told Chizuo to "open the store."  So we unloaded the truck and spread the boxes and prepared to bless the people.  Just the previous day, when we first drove by this site, there were three bodies in the same spot being prepared by a team for pickup.  The Lord turned a location of tragedy into a sanctuary of hope overnight, thank you Jesus!
And the people came!  Before we began distributing items, Chizuo addressed the crowd, making sure they knew who we are, encouraging them to take items for themselves and also for their neighbors in need, and then Pastor Rick encouraged the rest of the team to give out tracts and Bible, and tell the crowd the love of God.  It was truly a blessed event!

After all the supplies in our truck were distributed, we had one more divine appointment to meet.  On the way there, we passed this unique image of destruction that is worth sharing so you can get a better feel for the condition this part of Ishinomaki is in.  Be sure to notice the red boat in the center of the picture.

This is the divine appointment mentioned in the earlier caption.  The previous day, we had met this family in front of their house, which is intact but was swamped.  They have begun cleaning it out and are living there.  We gave them many items but Chizuo wanted to bless them with a cassette stove (portable propane stove) which was the only stock the team had in Sendai.  There is no gas available yet in that area.  So today we brought that item along and found their house only with the Lord's direction.  They were home and were stunned that we remembered them and kept our promise to return.  While talking to them, their junior high school son returned from school with the awesome news that he had passed his high school entrance exams.  This is a big deal in Japan, and the family now had a working stove with which to cook up something special to celebrate.  What a way to end the day in that town!

The day was not yet over for the team, though, as they returned to the hosting church and shared a late meal with some elders, and then shared their experiences and impressions of the week, followed by worship and prayer.  It was truly a fitting way to wrap up this first trip, and the everyone was totally blessed.

Just a reminder that there are videos, at least one for each day of the trip, available for viewing on the right margin of the blog.  To see all the videos available, please click on the link there to the youtube channel.

We wrap up the chronicles of our first trip tomorrow with a special epilogue posting, please check it out then.  God bless you all.  Prayer is what has made this trip work- prayer led and guided by the Holy Spirit, working through each saint, connecting us from around the world to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ to the people of Japan's Tohoku region.  You are very special to us.  Thank you so much.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing about how God is doing HIS work through you guys. We are continuing to pray for all of you
