The people in Ishinomaki are without water, gas or electricity.

Telephones are still out as well as cellular service.
Neighborhoods look like war zones in this post-tsunami world.

Today, the team parked the van and hit the pavement.
We walked through the streets inviting everyone we could find to an outreach event planned for Wednesday afternoon.

Along the way, we met so many people trying to pick of the pieces of what they once called home.
This man said he used to live right here on the corner, but no signs of a home even standing in this location can be found; even the foundation is gone.
In addition to an insurmountable amount of debris and rubble, the smell of dead fish invades the air.
Continuing on down the road, we saw a house still standing that surprisingly looked like it was OK.
If you look closely, you can see just how high the water rose by the lines left on the house. The top line just above the brown border around the house is the height the water reached initially. The lower mark at the bottom of the first story windows is where the water level remained until the flood waters receded. The home belongs to the Kawanami family. They purchased the house brand new 9 years ago. Although damage looked minimal from the outside, the inside was destroyed.

Mr. Kawanami graciously invited us in to show us the damage. The tsunami left behind deposits of sand and mud on both levels of the house.
Mr. Kawanami's favorite pastime is raising Bonzai trees. The tree he's holding is 20 years old.
Even though they weren't washed away, he said they will soon die due to the effects of salt water.
As they continued to talk, Mr. Kawanami shared how he has no words. When he opens his mouth to speak, all that comes out is a sigh. He has worked hard his whole life to establish his home, and now it's gone. To add insult to injury, his bicycle that he had salvaged from the rubble and was using for transportation, was recently stolen from his backyard. Pastor Chizuo then asked if he could pray with him. Without any resistance and a soft heart, he said yes. We were also able to pray with his wife and she hugged us with tears in her eyes and said thank you.
When we arrived at the outreach location in order to set up, we were stunned to find around two hundred people patiently waiting for us... ALREADY IN A LINE!!!

We worked fast to set out the boxes of jackets, pants, socks, noodles, diapers, etc.
Each person was able to take 5 items of their choosing.

Since we had 5,000 loaves of bread to give away, there was no limit on the amount each person could take home.
Hannah Sakurai sang worship music for the entire duration of the outreach. The music definitely set the tone of the event and gave us room to approach and talk to people with ease.
Kids read Christian manga while waiting in line and Joseph brought out his "Dochi Ooki" card trick to put smiles on faces and help pass the time. We had 300 Bibles with us to give away. Unfortunately, we ran out less than half way through the outreach!
子供たちは列に並んでいる間、聖書マンガを読んだり、ジョセフさんが子供たちに “どっちが大きい?マジックカード”を披露し、笑わせたりして時間を過ごしました。 私たちが用意していた300冊もの聖書は、残念な事に半分の時間も過ぎないうちに配り終えてしまいました。

While passing out cups of tea, Pastor Chizuo took the opportunity to talk with the people and get updated on their current needs.
Pastor Chizuo met this boy last week when he first set up a make shift store in this 7-Eleven parking lot. The boy arrived late and everything had been given away. Pastor Chizuo had a personal lantern that he brought with him from home. It was a gift from his family... and he had no plans on giving it up. However, when he saw that the boy had received nothing, the LORD began to tug at his heart and reminded him of the lantern he had in the back of the truck. The boy asked when Pastor Chizuo would be back. "Next week, " Pastor Chizuo replied. "What day next week?" said the boy. "Do you have a cell phone, I'll call you." "No, they don't work,” said the boy. Realizing once again how devastated this area is, Pastor Chizuo went to the back of the truck and handed the boy the lantern. "I'll be back next week some time. Pray that we will be able to meet again." The kid's face lit up!
This week, the boy heard about the outreach and was able to join us! Pastor Chizuo asked him if he wanted to help and he said yes. We put him to work and a few hours later, his family came looking for him. When they arrived, they told Pastor Chizuo that the lantern has been so helpful since they have no electricity and it's the only light they have after dark. Pastor Chizuo told them he had something else to give them. He had been praying that he would see the boy again and had brought a propane stove along with some meat for the boy and his family. They were overjoyed to say the least.

In addition to reaching out to the people of Ishinomaki, Pastor Chizuo was also able to reach within the local church and encourage two young men, Kenji and Toru. Pastor Chizuo met them during his first trip to the Tohoku area and challenged them to stay involved in the relief efforts taking place around them. We were blessed to have them labor alongside us today.

The outreach event was truly a blessing!

Praise God there were enough items for everyone!

Once we cleaned up, we headed over to another church in order to greet them and deliver some bread we had set aside for their congregation.

We returned home late… smelling of fish, tired and dirty. Tuesday night, we closed our eyes and could see nothing but destruction. But tonight was different. When we close our eyes, we see the faces of those we met today. We see the smiles that crossed their faces as they encountered the love of Jesus. We close our eyes and see hope.