Sunday, June 5, 2011

Trip #9- The Typhoon Saga     台風冒険記

5/30 - 6/1 (MON - WED)

DAY 1: With a very strong typhoon threatening to come up from it's earlier sweeping of Okinawa, we were in deep prayer for the Lord's direction on this trip. We were not sure if we should go for it, or hang back and let the weather blow through. We were told Ishinomaki was flooding and landslides were likely. This was also combined with high tides and the sinking of the coastline. It was total dependence on Him. So, with final peace, we decided on going, though one team member dropped out in the final hours.


We had retrieved the team van from Pastor Chizuo's house the night before, and so we were ready to make our way from our church building in Machida on Monday morning. Our team of four consisted of: Eriya Kato (our drummer), Keiju Otani, Alex Robinson (CCBC Okinawa student/missionary), and myself. We loaded up the van with donated supplies of food, clothing, diapers, and more and we departed at 11:30am for Haneda Airport to retrieve Alex and Eriya. The drive went smooth and easy. Finally, the four of us were headed out of Tokyo and up the Tohoku Expressway, bound for a local Church in Sendai.

私たちは、前夜に桜井牧師の家からチームのバンを持って来ていたので、月曜日の朝、私たちの町田市(東京都)にある教会から出発することができました。私たちのチームは、加藤エリヤ(教会のドラム奏者)、大谷けいじゅ、アレックス ロビンソン(カルバリーチャペルバイブルカレッジ沖縄の学生/宣教師)、そして私の4人でした。私たちは、ささげられた食料、衣類、おむつなどの救援物資を積み込み、午前11時30分に出発し、アレックスとエリヤを拾うために羽田空港に向かいました。ドライブはスムーズで順調でした。4人そろった私たちは、東京を出て、東北道に乗り、仙台の教会に向かいました。
We arrived early enough to get dinner at the Tonkatsu Restaurant and then returned to the Sendai base to get prepared and prayed up for the next day in Ishinomaki.


DAY 2: After some prayer and devotion time, we headed out for Ishinomaki, but drove through Arahama to asses the damages there. It was like a desert, totally devastated by the tsunami and nothing remained but scattered work crews. It was my first time through that seaside town, less than 5km from our base. Very close indeed.

2日目: 祈りとディボーションの後で、私たちは石巻に向かいましたが、荒浜を通り、そこの被災状況を見てきました。それはまるで砂漠のようで、津波によって完全に破壊されていました。そこには何もなく、ただ作業している人々が散在していました。私は初めてこの海岸沿いの町を通りました。私たちのベースがある教会から5キロ以内のところで、本当にすぐ近くでした。

We then began the drive out to Ishinomaki, calling some of our contacts again, along the way. One contact told us he finished up the cleaning he needed, but would think of other needs and return our call.  Another call was to an answering service, and one more to Makoto-san at the Watanoha Evacuation Center at the elementary school. Makoto-san told us to come and he would have projects for us.


None of the other three guys on our team had been to Ishinomaki before, though they had served at Matsushima, Iwaki, and Sendai. When we reached Ishinomaki, the extent of the damage was surprising to them, especially considering it had been almost 3 months since the tsunami. Roadways have cleared, debris is being piled high, but still a mess everywhere one looks.


There still remains rubble and debris, almost 3 months later in Ishinomaki. Many needs, big job, but we serve a BIG God. We are seeing His hand move in the hearts of people; changing lives one at a time...

We went by the Kawanami's house first to see if they were home. It looked like they may have moved out. They were among only 9 survivors in their neighborhood and the only 2 to stay in their home months after the tsunami. They were so happy our teams had helped them to recover most of their yard and clean inside their house.

We drove through the danchi area we call 'B' Section and it looked much cleaner, power had been restored, and not too many people appeared around there. We drove on.


Our first stop in Watanoha was at the former wetsuit building that our CTR team has considered for an outpost/cafe/base in the community. We went in and looked around at the 2 floors and a bit outside. It looked like a great possibility in reaching out to the people in the area.

Inside CTR's future cafe site in Watanoha, Ishinomaki

Next, we went to the evacuation center at Watanoha Elementary School across the street from the CTR site. The ground was covered in water and mud following the heavy wind and rain brought my the typhoon. The first people we talked with warned of the coming 3:30PM high tide and flood waters that were expected. We had our gear on and were ready for what may come. More prayers went up to the Lord to lead us.

We met Makato-san, the kancho (shelter leader) and he asked if we could build a new canopy/awning for the outdoor food area. The typhoon had destroyed their's the day before. We considered it a privilege to do this for them and knew the Lord would use it to further build trust and relationship with the people in this community. We worked alongside the guys there and had good conversation, learning of their experiences and stories of survival. Our leader was Takeyama-san, and his son, Kouki joined us later.
The June 5th typhoon destroyed Watanoha Shelter's outside the kancho-san, Makoto asked our team to work together with Takeyama-san to build a new and better one. Praise the Lord, He had a plan for us!! The typhoon could not stop it!
Putting on the finishing touches along with our new friend we call, "the Boss." He was a great guy and glad to help our team.
Keiju and Alex using cordless drill that Takeyama-san rescued from the tsunami with some of his things.
As we began this project, the food line was nearby as meals were served from the portable building next to the one we working on. As we pulled old nails, cut wood, assembled the beams, and chatted with the guys, the food line dwindled to the end. It finally closed and left only our team working on the project.
The CTR team and Watanoha Evacuee crew; building friendships in the community. Sharing the love of Jesus in practical ways.

A woman soon arrived on a bicycle and asked if she could get lunch. But, it was all gone, and she was told nothing was left. Our team heard this conversation, and called out to her as she peddled off. She stopped and we invited her to take food that we brought. She was suddenly hopeful and eager to see. Alex took her over to our van and began to bag up the fresh baked bread that was given by our local Tokyo bakery. Soon another woman arrived and had need for food and clothing. We filled them up with a variety of fruit, bread, canned goods, clothing, and more.
ひとりの女性が自転車に乗って来て、ランチをもらえるかと尋ねていましたが、もう何も残っていないと言われていました。私たちはこの会話を聞き、彼女が自転車で去ろうとしたとき、彼女を呼び止めました。彼女は止まり、私たちは彼女に私たちが持ってきた食事を持っていくようにと言いました。突然、彼女の表情は笑顔にあふれ、 アレックスは彼女を私たちのバンに連れて行き、東京にあるパン屋さんから頂いた新鮮な焼きパンを袋に入れました。すぐに別の女性が現れて、食事と衣類を必要としていました。私たちは彼らにたくさんの果物、パン、缶詰、衣類などを渡しました。

It was so much for the little lady, Tomiko-san, that we offered to put her bicycle in the van and drive her home with the goodies. So, Eriya and I loaded the van and Tomiko directed us to her home several blocks away. She was so, so, so thrilled! We were praying along the way for an opening to speak of Jesus to her.

When we arrived, as we unloaded, a neighbor came out of her house to see what was happening. She told us she was Kyoko and that she has a baby. Well, we had a box full of diapers! It was just what she needed! We welcomed her to food, and clothing too. She took what she needed and then the two ladies stood there grabbing our hands, and hugging and crying. Tomiko-san did not want to let go; she just cried and thanked us. Eriya asked if we could pray for them and they agreed. We got to give them tracts that talk about Jesus and times of trouble. They thanked us over and over again. It was a highlight for us!


We rejoined Alex and Keiju at the project and continued to work together until the awning was finished. It was strong and much bigger than the one that was destroyed by the typhoon. The old guys thanked us and we took a group picture. We were able to talk about many things and planted seeds, we hope, in their hearts.

With the project Makoto-san asked us to do, now finished, we wondered what was next. It was after 4PM, still early, but we were told the tide had come in high and the areas around 'A' Section were flooded. We would not be able to go see Takahashi-san or others we knew, nor could we seek for others in that zone.


So, feeling led by the Lord, we called Travis Lear, a man Pastor Rick Barnett had met and that lived in the Shiogama/Tagajo area, south from Ishinomaki. He told us of great need in that area damaged by the tsunami. We headed his way to meet for some dinner, as it would take an hour of more. We made one more stop at Kawanami-san's house with hopes to encourage them, but there was no sign of them at all. So, through heavy 'rush hour' traffic we moved like a snail through the tunnel out of Ishinamaki's beach areas and toward's the expressway south.
そこで、主の導きを感じて、私たちはトラビス レアに連絡を取りました。彼は石巻の南、塩釜・多賀城エリアに住み、リックバーネット牧師が知り合った方です。彼はその地域が津波によって甚大な被害を受け、たくさんの必要があることを教えてくれました。私たちは彼のところへ、夕食を共にするために1時間かけて行くことにしました。私たちはもう一箇所、かわなみさんを励ましたいと思い、彼の家に立ち寄りました。しかし、彼らがいるような気配はまったくありませんでした。そこで、私たちは大渋滞する時間に、石巻海岸エリアのトンネルから南に向かう高速を通り、かたつむりのように移動しました。

We arrived in Tagajo and met with Travis at a local restaurant. He was glad to see brothers from Calvary Chapel and it encouraged us all to share all the Lord had done. He told us more about the needs in his town and how we could get involved through the Tagajo City Hall. We discussed this, prayed, and decided to return the next morning and see how we could help in a place totally new to us. Part of the decision was that this was only 20 minutes from our Sendai base and from Tagajo, we would be headed south back to Tokyo for our late Wednesday night return.

DAY 3:
We cleared out of the Sendai base early Wednesday morning and headed for the Tagajo City Hall. We were told to arrived by 8:30am to get in the volunteers line. Outside, we saw a few people geared up for clean-up and all the equipment organized under canopies. Nearby, the Japan Self-Defense Force had an encampment, that among other things had baths/showers free to use. That would be good after doing rubble/debris clean-up all day.


We went through the process with other volunteers, a briefing, and instructions given, then we were called up in certain numbers of people needed for certain jobs. The next one needed 6 people, so they added two ladies to our group of four and we were informed of what we'd be doing. Eriya was designated as group leader, so he got the details and then we all went down to the outside equipment/supply area and gather the things we'd need. Everything was very organized as the center staff called out each item and a checklist marked down everything we took. A driver waited with a van, we loaded it up, and then he took us to the place we would work at.


It was an Indian Restaurant, Jyoti, that had filled with mud and water, leaving broken windows, toppled equipment, and related tsunami damage. Our main job was to muck out the rooms filled with smelly 3-month old mud. It was an opportunity to bless the owner and show the love of Jesus in a practical way.

そこはジョッティというインドレストランでした。 泥水まみれで、窓ガラスは割れていて、備品は今にも倒れそうで、津波による様々な被害を受けていました。私たちの主な仕事は非常に臭い3ヶ月目になる泥で満ちた部屋をきれいにすることでした。それはオーナーを喜ばせ、実際的な方法でイエスの愛を示す機会でした。
We were asked to remove the mud and mess from under a woman's house. Her husband is in the hospital and she cannot do it. We were blessed to help her and in the end, we cleaned her walkway up to the road too. It meant so much to her that we'd go the extra effort and do more than she asked for.

Careful washing of the less-damaged restaurant items...

Alex and Eriya resting for a break as we work in Tagajo City, south of Ishinomaki. The owner of Jyoti Indian Restaurant asked our team to help him. The place was filled with water and mud.

We also had the opportunity to talk to the two ladies that joined with us. While sharing with one of them during a break, her eyes filled with tears and she said she would think about what I said of why we were doing this. It seemed to touch her deeply. The experience of working together opened doors to reach out to these volunteers from Nagano and Yokohama. We exchanged contact information and sent photos of the day.

CTR team with owner of Jyoti Indian Restaurant. We were able to share with the two ladies who joined in helping our team, telling them we were sharing the love of Jesus because He loves the people in Tohoku and them too! One was in tears as we told her about God's love during our morning break.

This job was finished up, we returned to the city hall, had our obento lunch there and then offered to go out again for another job before our return to Tokyo. The next job was at a house along the riverside, which had overflowed and damaged homes along it. This home was filled with mud underneath and so we cleaned out all the mud and debris beneath its floors. It smelled bad, but the lady had remained living in it since the tsunami with no place to go. We did more than she asked, as we cleaned her walkway going out to the road.  She was very blessed by our team.

And, finally, we returned to city hall for our van, drove over to the JSDF showers and got all cleaned up. Alex was surprised to read Okinawan greetings on their signs and to find out they came from Okinawa! They were glad to help this way. The baths were very nice in those plain green army tents. It was like a sento, or onsen even! Only a towel was needed, everything else was supplied!
After our mission in Tagajo City, we were able to shower in the army tents. These were fully set up with proper sento amenities, including a large ofuro! Very refreshing! and, these troops were sent to Tohoku from Okinawa!

So, refreshed and tired at the same time, we headed back for Tokyo, but very, very encouraged by our experience and all the Lord did in our hearts and the hearts of the people we served. It was a good time of ministry.
Keiju Otani, Alex Robinson, Jeremiah Boek, Eriya Kato
Horizon INT'L Fellowship


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